Family Photography

I feel completely at home photographing families of all ages. Each age bracket brings their own challenges and benefits. Young children who you might think will be difficult because they won’t sit still are actually so great to photograph as their inhibitions and movement bring great joy to your images. Older kids and teens may be slower to get into it, but the camaraderie between siblings and parents is so fun to witness. For those who are camera shy(and let’s face it, it’s most of us!), don’t worry, I take some time to get to know you and your family before we get into it. I grew up in the country so I am especially fond of capturing families on their properties as it reminds me of growing up as a kid in rural Australia. A family mini session package lasts for 1 - 1.5 hours and I generally provide upwards of 40 high resolution images. This package starts at $350 for a one child family(parents and one child) and add $50 per additional family member. I am open to discounting the rates for a single parent family or in the case of there being more than seven family members. Please note that travel costs may apply. Please get in touch for more information and/or a quote. Here are some recent examples of my family photography work.

Brand Photography

I have a keen interest in branding and how your images reflect who and what you are. I’d love to work with you and find out what it is that you are trying to capture and how best to achieve that. Prices for brand photography are generally based on an hourly rate(which covers shoot time, editing and travel if applicable) unless included in a web design package. Please get in touch with me to discuss further or to get a quote. Here are some recent images I have produced for clients to help their brand/business shine — including my own!

Event Photography

What’s not to love about Event Photography?! In a lot of cases it combines my love of people, families and food, and to top it off people are having a great time. I like to capture the moments in time that pass in a second. A delicious bite of food, a dance, a laugh, a hug……. the list goes on. Prices for event photography are generally based on an hourly rate which covers shoot time, editing and travel if applicable. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me to discuss further or to get a quote. Here’s some recent work.

Food Photography

Have you ever made a beautiful meal, felt so proud, taken a photo and then been disappointed at the image? It’s amazing how the right light, angle and a good lens will make a difference — trust me, I should know, that’s what kickstarted my photography journey. A great image that presents your food in the best way is so important in this online world that we live in and I truly believe it will set you apart from competitors. Prices for food photography are generally based on an hourly rate(which covers shoot time, editing and travel if applicable) unless included in a web design package. Please get in touch with me to discuss further or to get a quote — in the meantime, here’s some of my food photography work.