Web Design

“Clementine has brought our old website back to life with her wonderful photography, thoughtful text, creative design and a splash of colour. We now have a colourful, playful, modern and clean website that you can navigate with ease.”

I know from first hand experience that having a great website can completely elevate your business and online presence.

I know this because I’ve seen when running my own businesses, the difference between having a website that ‘does the job’ and having a really well thought-out and crafted website. A great website will not only attract clients and set you apart from competitors, it will also boost your confidence, knowing that your brand is reflected in the way that you know to be true. Years on, and I still love to hear how delighted people are when they come across my (other)business online, and I can say without a doubt, that a great website is one of the best investments you will make for your business.

So, what makes a really great website then? Here are some things I believe are really important and are my top priorities and inclusions when designing a website:

• Aesthetically pleasing layouts and pages that encompass brand colours and style

• Easy navigation and usability

• Relevant content - what do you need potential customers to know?

• High quality images

• An easy point of contact for potential customers to reach you

• Mobile phone/tablet view is well formatted

• Fundamental search engine optimisation

• Social media integration

Below is a list of additional add ons that you may want to consider for your brand/website if you don’t already have them:

• Logo design

• Brand colours and fonts package

• Copy/content (There are people far more equipped than myself to do this, however, if you don’t want to pay for a copywriter I’m happy to help you get a start on it and find your words.)

In terms of pricing, I price each web design package on an individual basis. .

I know that each website requires a different level of attention and requirements, so with that in mind, I’d love to chat with you about your needs and then quote you on a package tailored specifically to your requirements. So, what are you waiting for?! Get in touch with me now by clicking here or keep scrolling down to see some examples of my website designs and also some frequently asked questions with answers.

Completed Design Projects

Frequently asked questions

  • I am more than happy to travel to you for a fee. Alternatively, you may prefer to have a photographer local to you to take photos - we can adjust your website package accordingly.

  • As long as the images are of good quality and high resolution, I am open to working with them.

  • I can potentially use the current website. I work primarily with Squarespace so it would depend what your current website platform is. Also, sometimes it’s faster (and cheaper) to start a new one from scratch.

  • I include SEO in my website packages, but if you feel like your site needs to go super in depth in that respect, you are also free to consult someone highly skilled in that area.

  • I can either provide edits at an hourly rate or include guided tutorials in your package so you can take care of minor edits yourself. Squarespace is a wonderful platform that you can learn to get the hang of quickly.